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Refund a Transaction via Actum Portal

Merchants can issue refunds from the Actum Portal while keeping these points in mind.
• Refunds must be associated with or tied to an existing order submitted via Actum (i.e., Actum Portal).
• In this case, refunds can be partial or full. However, refunds cannot exceed the total dollar amount on the order in question (i.e., if refunding a $200.00 order, the amount cannot exceed $200.00).
Previously, refunds could not be issued until the order settled. However, refunds can be issued at any time from the Actum Portal.
If the refund is issued before the two (2) banking day return window, it remains in a pending status. Once the two (2) banking day return window elapses, the refund will be in a processed status.
The two (2) banking day window is in place to protect merchants, who issue or submit a refund for the Debit associated with an order, from having a return occur for the Debit transaction. This does not include consumer unauthorized claims which have a 60 calendar day window from the Debit transaction.
In this entry, the following steps explain how to issue a refund for a submitted transaction via our Actum Portal.
1. Log in to the Actum Portal through If needing log in assistance, then refer to the Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): How to Use via Actum Portal article.
2. Select Reports and choose Transactions.
3. Click on the History ID hyperlink of the order.
4. Choose the Issue Refund option.
5. Click on Issue Refund to issue a refund of the order in question.
6. A message appears confirming that the transaction has been refunded.
- • Refunds must associate with an existing order submitted via Actum (i.e., Actum Portal).
- • Refunds can be partial or full, but cannot exceed the total dollar amount on the order in question (i.e., if refunding a $200.00 order, the amount cannot exceed $200.00).
- • If issuing the refund before the two (2) banking day return window, the refund remains in a pending status. After the two (2) banking day return window elapses, the refund will be in a processed status.
- • The two (2) banking day window is in place to protect merchants, issuing or submitting a refund for the Debit associated with an order, from having a return occur for the Debit transaction. This does not include consumer unauthorized claims which have a 60 calendar day window from the Debit transaction.